
german accountingMission Statement

Our mission is to provide cost effective, relevant and accurate accounting and tax solutions to individuals and small businesses in a timely manner.

Privacy Policy

Certified Public Accountants, like all providers of personal financial services, are now required by law to inform their clients of their policies regarding privacy of client information. CPAs have been and continue to be bound by professional standards of confidentiality that are even more stringent than those required by the new federal law. So we have always protected your right to privacy.

In the course of providing you with professional services, we receive significant personal financial information from you, from financial institutions, such as banks, brokerage firms and insurance companies, from governmental entities and agencies, from other professionals such as attorneys and other accountants, and from parties with whom we are negotiating on your behalf. We may also receive information from other sources, either as directed by you or with your consent.

You should know that all information that is received from or about clients of this Firm is held in confidence, and is not released to people outside the Firm, except after your permission where it will assist us in representing you, or as required by law. When we get information about you, you may rest assured that it is secure.